After the constant chain of sexual, physical and verbal abuse creates an abyss inside her, Abby now a grown woman, decided to tell it all while healing and pulling her true self out of this abyss, in hopes of living a new and happy life. Vigor, a woman who knew she had a great purpose in life, but was always trapped, bumped into Abby one day and after speaking briefly with her, wanted to write and speak of Abby’s story in hopes of helping her get past her damaged childhood. Vigor always knew her destiny was to help young girls, but exposing every instance and secret of a young girl’s never-ending sexual, physical, and verbal abuse leading into womanhood, was far from her mind. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat in curiosity and disbelief.

She will take you through the stages of what happens in the life and minds of children who have been victims of abuse, why they keep it a secret, how they deal with it then and how it affects their life’s now. The book is based on the true life Story of one woman who has been through several different abuses as a child, a teenager and as an adult. After you read this book you will have no choice but to look around you and find out what secrets your child could be keeping from you, out of fear or shame. As Vigor listens to Abby’s story she realizes a connection between them both, she later understood what the connection was. Abuse comes in all shapes and forms, done by either cruelty or charm. Abuse prejudice not status, age or gender, not color nor culture. In the end, abuse does no good for the victim nor the abuser. by Nicole Gentles